It's that time of year again! Projected start of the 2023 Stanford Driver’s Ed. Classes will be Monday, April 3rd.
Requirements: 14 ½ yrs. old by Monday, April 3rd (if your birthdate is close, please sign up anyway and Mr. V will take applicants based upon total enrollees and allowance from DMV) I will have a hard copy signup @ the Stanford front office or a digital sign-up at the Stanford School website if you would like to sign-up there. Sign-up is due by the conclusion of Monday, March 6th. A parent/student meeting will be scheduled for Monday, April 3rd to answer all questions. If you have questions that are needed now,; or 406-868-0164. Here is the link to a Google Form which will register your student. or there is a hard copy signup at the front main office. Please sign up by Monday, March 6th.
2023 Stanford Driver's Ed.
February 28, 2023